Monday, December 17, 2018

A big shout-out of thanks to the
Federal Correctional Institution of Manchester
for their generous donation of canned goods
and $120 cash toward the COGWC Open Hands
Food Pantry for December!

Special thanks to Jonathan Barnhart, Warden,
and all the staff for participating in the
"Feds Feed Families" Program and
donating to our Food Pantry.  COGWC and
approximately 430 families of Manchester, KY, say
WINGS Christmas Ornament Exchange.  Happy Birthday, Jesus!
Deidra Burns & Candon Stevens

Beautiful Ladies of the COGWC!

Ava Stevens

Beverly Rogers

More Beautiful Ladies and Sweethearts!

Hope Stevens

Hannah Stevens

Cathy Murrell & Candon Stevens

Rosetta Lakes

Tiff Collopy

COGWC Ladies' WINGS annual Christmas Ornament Exchange was another great success!  Plenty of good food, beautiful decorations, Christmas ornaments, and fun.  Another glorious year celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior!